In 2008 the Chicago Genealogical Society published a book titled Chicago Cemetery Records 1847-1863: Sexton's Reports and Certificates, Treasurer Receipts, Deeds, and Undertakers' Reports. It's a useful resource for early Chicago research and I'll introduce you to it in this post. Below you'll find the main sections listed along with an example entry and a quick summary (in parenthesis) of what the information means. The book includes a name index which makes it easy to use.
Chicago Cemetery Records 1847-1863 can be found in many libraries (see WorldCat Entry) or it can be purchased from the Chicago Genealogical Society for $40.00.
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"Sexton's Receipts and Certificates, Treasurer Receipts, Deeds" 1847-1859
August 1851
South half [of]; 517; [blank]; [New]; Edward Cleghorn; $5.00; [blank] 2
(Date of deed or receipt, location in cemetery, name of grantee, amount, comments, page)
Undertakers' Reports 1863 (January - July)
February 1863
15; 15; dtr of W. K. Greenleaf; 2 years, 4 months; ND; Scarlet fever; Chicago; Chicago Cem; Unknown
(Date of death, date interred, name, age, residence, disease, where born, where interried, physician)
Oak Woods Cemetery: Lots Sold to the City of Chicago (Deeded 1867)
13; Andrew Gausen; 1; 7; $64.72
(Lot number, deeded to, number of burials, possible vacancies, charges)
'Old Catholic Cemetery' Records (Dates appear to be from the 1850s and 1860s)
DEHN, Carolina 8 11 8/16/63 4/7/64
(Name, Age, Date of Death, Date of Burial)
Additional Sections
The book also includes Chicago ward boundaries 1837, 1851, 1857, and 1863 and information about the IRAD system.